Today is the official launch date of my blog, PlumBliss and this coincides with the launch of my business endeavor, PlumBliss interiors. I’m excited to start this journey, I’m looking forward to sharing it with you, and I’m not all that surprised this is the path I’ve chosen.
A little history. Some of my earliest memories are of blueprints, drafting templates, wallpaper books and paint samples. My mom was an interior designer and designed and decorated custom homes for over 20 years. My dad could draw and build anything. Together, they made real estate investments, designed and built homes as well as commercial buildings, and unknowingly taught me a lot along the way. As a child, I loved going to work with my mom and spreading out those heavy wallpaper books, fabric swatches , and Formica chips (it was the 70’s) and pretending that I was a fabulous designer creating an even more fabulous home!
For the past 15 years I’ve dedicated my efforts to a marketing and technology career which I loved. And in my “spare” time I designed, styled, recommended, staged, painted, shopped, referred, organized, planned (you get the idea) for myself, my family and my friends. Now it’s time to dedicate my efforts to my first love.
Visit me often. I plan to post a few times a week – specifically, on Design, Staging and Organizing. And keep your eye out for PlumPerks – I’ll be giving away fabulous finds each month to my blog followers! And if you’re so inclined, please share my blog and my website with your friends!
So excited for you! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!